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Beverageintelligence end of "Term 1 2023" Leaderboards

Well done to all of our fantastic learners who broke all sorts of records for completion and activity in Term 1 of 2023 Beverageintelligence courses. Here is a little update, honour roll, and some end of term leaderboards for our top performing learners in Term 1 of 2023! Our learner journey is ongoing and we will continue to walk this path of hospitality and wine learning with you. Make sure to speak to us if you are not yet registered for your Term 2 courses.

This past term, 1st January to 30th June 2023, has been an excellent opportunity for all of you to progress on your wine and service learning journey with Under the Influence. We are extremely happy to see so many of you progressing from Wine101 to the Masterclass Courses and by doing so, opening some spaces for your colleagues to start their journey next term. We are now extremely excited to be enrolling qualifying learners into the Beta testing version of Level 3 - Wine Advisor course - Advanced Wine and Service. First off, here is our honour roll of top performing learners and Regions for this Term:

  • The Night Owl learner who study at night between two shifts: Lezelle Opperman

  • The Best Individual who completed many Masterclass Courses: Adlight Khabetsa (see a recent blog post she penned here)

  • The Shining Star who started at the University recently but is achieving great results: Brian Tembo

  • The Best Education Coach, that goes beyond her role to make sure her team are all on track on the Online University: Colleen Kern

Each one of them will receive a cork opener, a wine notebook, the latest edition of the Platter’s South African Wine Guide as well as a special certificate.

Congratulations to all learners that have achieved outstanding results and who made it onto the final Wine101 leaderboard. See the Masterclass leaderboards further down the blog post.

All of these courses are supported by our coaching tools and live training modules. We believe strongly that learning cannot just be done in front of a computer or phone, it needs to be a blended approach, incorporating the classroom and "on the job" practical experience and coaching.


  • Remember to sign up to our WhatsApp group this term for bonus videos and top tips when you start your courses. You will get the invite in your enrollment email.

  • From next term, all Ultimate Test Your Knowledge Tests (the final test for each course) will have a time limit of 48 hours.

  • Ask us and the other students any questions at the end of each course on the Discussion Forum Page. Let’s all learn and interact with each other.

  • Follow our Facebook, Instagram and YouTube channels to keep in touch with us and continue learning while enjoying our podcasts.


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